Loch Fyne from Crarae Gardens near Minard
Loch Fyne from Crarae Gardens near Minard
West Loch Fyne Community Council
West Loch Fyne Community Council

Useful Information

Argyll and Bute Council

For information about council services, including how to contact your local councillors; for planning information, the bins calendar, school holiday information and environmental health, please check the Argyll and Bute Council website. 



Scottish Water

Scottish Water information, including how to report a fault, can be found here



Trunk Roads (A83) and Transport

For information on trunk roads, including the A83, click here. You may also like to check out Traffic Scotland for local incidences and planned roadworks.  For public transport information, please check out Traveline Scotland.



Energy Advice and Warm Homes

To get advice about available funding contact Home Energy Scotland. Please also see this additional link for further funding options Local Energy Scotland.


NHS and Health Information

 To find out which health service to reach check out the NHS Right Care, Right Place portal. This includes emergency health information. For information on all other NHS services please check the NHS Scotland website. You can find information on local GPs, dentists and hospitals here. 



Social Work, Social Care and Social Services

If youhave a concern about a vulnerable adult or child please contact Social Work and Social Care Services. For local, impartial support, information and advice on social care matters and Self-Directed Support (SDS), please reach out to Community Contacts



Police and Domestic Abuse

Please click here for information on how to contact Police Scotland, including reaching our local police service. This includes information on how to report a crime. For assistance in the case of domestic abuse, in addition to contacting the police, please click here.



Scottish Fire and Rescue

 To reach Scottish Fire and Rescue, please click here. This site shares information on how to develop an escape plan from your home, in the event of an emergency as well as information on how to book a free home safety check. 



Elected Members (Local Councillors, MPs and MSPs)

To reach your local elected members (local councillors, MSPs and MPs) and for information on what each is responsible for click here.  



Welfare Benefits

For information on welfare benefits please click here.



Debt and Money Worries

For help with debt and money worries, please click here.  



Helplines for Children and Young People

Helplines for children and young people can be accessed here



Minard and Lochgair Community Information

For local information check out Minard Community Noticeboard, Minard Community Trust, the Lochgair Association and the Lochgair Facebook page.



Charitable and Advice Organisations

Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI) hosts information about local charitable and voluntary organisations via the Community Directory. Here are some links below to a selection of local charitable organisations and advice services:


Next Community Council  meeting:

3rd September 2024 in Minard VIllage Hall at 19:00. Please check the Community Council Meetings page for more information. 





Or use our contact form.

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© West Loch Fyne Community Council